Looking for affordable FZ100 batteries for your Sony A7 III? In this video I review and compare 8 different batteries include a few options for only $22!
- Best Overall Battery on Amazon
This DSTE battery is very affordable and long lasting. - Second Best Battery on Amazon
The Wasabi lasted almost as long as the Sony but not as affordable as the DSTE. - Dual NP-FZ100 Battery Charger on Amazon
- Battery Grip for the A7III on Amazon
ALL BATTERIES In order of appearance.
- Sony Official Battery
Amazon - Neewmowa
Amazon - Wasabi
Amazon - BM
Amazon - SmilePowo
Amazon - Kastar
Amazon - LeiFire
Amazon - DSTE (Best IMO)
Some of these links have an affiliate code, if you purchase gear with these links I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you!
This video was not paid for by outside persons or manufacturers.
No gear was supplied to me for this video.
The content of this video and my opinions were not reviewed or paid for by any outside persons.