One of major pluses to using HDSLRs is in the ability to use an expansive array of optics. So the question arises which lenses to use? While researching answers to this question of which lenses to use for video DSLRs, I stubbled across several great guides and videos of industry professionals sharing their experience and knowledge on the subject. Here are some noteworthy resources on lenses for HDSLRs.
Still Lenses That Can Grace The Big Screen
Shane Hurlbut breaks down still lenses for filmmaking on DLSRs. He shares his experience and the strengths of each set of lenses.
Lenses for Weddings and Events
The Still Motion team share which lenses they use, in what situations they use them, and why.
HDSLR Camera Prep for “Someday Hero”
Jared Abrams of Cinema5D Shares his lens setup for a short film he is shooting.